Privacy policy.

We consider the protection of your privacy to be extremely important. We want to inform you as much as possible, respect you and give you control over what happens to your personal data. Below you will find information about what data we collect, why we do this, how long we keep it, what your privacy rights are and how you can exercise them.

We are bound by and use your personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of April 27th, 2016 (the “GDPR”) and its implementation into national law.


This privacy policy applies only to the personal data we process in our capacity of data controller (as defined under Article 2 below). It applies to the processing of personal data of our (private and business) customers in relation to our products and services.

For the sake of clarity, processing personal data of businesses is only relevant in the context of this privacy policy if the business represents is a natural person, or - if the business is a legal person - then this privacy policy only applies to the personal data of the natural persons which we process in the context of their relationship with such business (such as mandates, contact persons and/or end users).

ARTICLE 2: DATA CONTROLLER BV, with registered offices at B – 2000 Antwerp, Korte Vlierstraat 6, VAT number BE0867239782 (hereafter “The Stairway to Unity”, “we” or “us”), is responsible for processing your personal data. This means that The Stairway to Unity determines the purpose and means for processing your personal data.


Processing activities

When using the term “processing personal data” in this privacy policy, we are talking about our use of personal information that identifies you or is able to identity you, either directly or in combination with other information that is held or obtained externally. Your personal data may include, for example, your name and your contact details.

Personal data is collected:

We do not collect personal data  

ARTICLE 4: what are my rights? 

As a participant in our contests, we are always happy to inform you about the rights you have in relation to your personal data. If you wish to exercise any of these rights, feel free to contact us.

The right to access – You can ask us at any time which personal data of yours we process. If you wish to do so, you can also receive an overview of the personal data we process.

The right to correction – If you notice the personal data of yours, we process is no longer correct, feel free to let us know at any time so that we can correct your personal data immediately.

The right to deletion of data – If you would prefer us to no longer process your personal data and delete them, you can choose to ask us to permanently delete your personal data. In this case, we will delete any personal data of yours we process on the basis of your consent.

The right to restrict processing – If you would prefer us to restrict our processing of your personal data, feel free to ask us at any time. We will take your request into account and explore how we can arrange this.

The right to object – If you would like to object to our processing of your personal data, you can do so by contacting us.

The right to transfer of data – If you would like your personal data to be transferred to a third party, we will help you do so. In this case, your personal data will be sent to the organization of your choice in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format. 

The right to object to direct marketing – You also have the right to object to direct marketing at any time. The electronic communications we send always contain a link to unsubscribe, so you no longer receive these types of messages from us.

The right to submit a complaint – If you feel that we have not assisted you correctly, you can always choose to submit a complaint to the Data Protection Authority. The relevant contact details can be found at the end of this privacy policy.

You can exercise your rights by contacting our Data Protection Office.

ARTICLE 5: how can you contact our Data protection office? 

Tomorrowland has a Data Protection Office, which is always happy to help with any questions you may have about privacy and the processing of your personal data. Our Data Protection Office can be reached via:

E-mail address:
or Address: BV
Attn: Data Protection Officer
Korte Vlierstraat 6
B-2000 Antwerp


ARTICLE 6: how can you contact the Data protection authority? 

If you are unsatisfied with how The Stairway to Unity has handled your request or comment, or if you would like to submit a complaint, you can contact the Data Protection Authority using the details below. Please send a completed information form (available on the website below) by e-mail to the e-mail address below or by post to the postal address below.

Website: Data Protection Authority   

E-mail address:

Address: Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussels                     

Telephone number: +32 (0)2 274 48 00


Article 7: Updates

We may make changes to this privacy policy from time to time, including as part of the GDPR. The latest version of our privacy policy is always available here.

Last update: 02/06/2022.